Thursday, February 12, 2009


when the ice shell
encrusts the atmosphere of the womb,
and the subordinate orb
sepia,and brushed, appears,
though but a reflection of other glory,
to the terrestrial creatures,
reaching upward,
gnarled, naked, blind, and frozen,
and the marvel is revealed
to other creatures
whose reaching is less an apparent manifestation,
and upon whom the shadows of impression are cast,
There is luxury.

And when spectrum,
and infinite variety
blend amongst turbulent vapor
and chemical luminescence,
while only eyes reach toward them
these are still
gnarled, naked, and frozen
while transfixed
and this simply the interaction betwixt the classes
of creatures dumb, and creatures wise,
between whom the shadows of impression are unidirectional.
There is superiority of luxury.

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hey, we're not there yet people