Thursday, September 11, 2008

Addenda 2

There is labor which you are given.
There is labor which you steal.
There is labor which you enact.
There is labor which you buy.

One is given labor through inheritance, friendship, loyalty, parental nurture, governmental subsidy, or supernatural providence.
Some say it is all super natural providence, but they have not thought it through well enough.

One steals labor through manipulation, intimidation, taxation, or literal theft.
Some are skilled in squeezing others for a desired deed or non-deed through guilt or flattery.
Others use guns, or threats, or raised voices or fabrications of rank.
Some use the government. This is Socialism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, etc. From the able to the needy.
Some just steal. A Watch, a necklace, a car.

One's self may be employed as the primary producer of one's economic output.
This has been more popular (necessary) in the past than it is today.
Still, the theoretical produce of one's mind and body are the essential gauges of human economic value.

But, one may find themselves in control of the labor of another when some other person places a definite value on their time.
So, if someone describes their self-perceived economic value in a way which corresponds to another's perception of the same, then the one may buy the labor of the other. This is the deepest economic kernel of employment.

So, which is best? A balanced portfolio of all but the second.


Brian said...

The first should be all but non-existent in my opinion.

W. Yadusky said...

wait, so, the next time I help you move or cook, I need to charge you? =)


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hey, we're not there yet people